Contact us

You can contact us via email or telephone, or by completing the enquiry form. Our preferred contact method is via email unless your enquiry is time sensitive or you are calling to let us know you are dropping off samples. 

We value your feedback and welcome any comments you may have to help improve our services. If you have a suggestion, compliment or concern please complete a client feedback form. We will respond as quickly as possible.
(+61) 9385 0015


Laboratories & Offices

Salivary Bioscience Research Centre (SBRC)
School of Psychology
Room 141, Mathews Building (F23)
Via Gate 11 Botany Street,
UNSW Sydney NSW 2052

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30 am - 4.30pm (excluding Public Holidays).

Parcel/Courier Delivery Address

School of Psychology
Faculty of Science
Room 138, Mathews Building (F23)
Via Gate 11 Botany Street,
UNSW Sydney NSW 2052

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.00am - 4.00pm (excluding Public Holidays).

Postal Address

Salivary Bioscience Research Centre (SBRC)
School of Psychology
Mathews Building (F23)
UNSW Sydney NSW 2052