Standard Service Terms

Salivary Bioscience Research Centre (SBRC) is a Network Lab of the University of New South Wales (ABN 57 195 873 179). Use of the SBRC services and consumables are governed by the following conditions:


In these terms:

  1. Institution means University, Company, Hospital, Government or other Entity.

  2. Client means the individual representing the Institution.

  3. Data means the data or other results generated by SBRC from the analysis of the Samples.

  4. Quote means the document SBRC provided to the Institution setting out the details of the Services and the pricing.

  5. Samples means the samples provided by the Institution to RCG the be analysed as part of the Services;

  6. Services means analysis and related services to be provided by SBRC as indicated in the Submission Form and which is further described on the SBRC website.

  7. Submission Form means the online document the Client completes and submits setting out the services required, sample details and other relevant information about the Client and their Institution.

1.  Formation and Terms of Contract

When the Institution accepts the Quote a binding contract will be formed for the supply of the services specified in the Quote, consisting of in order of precedence if there is any inconsistency:

  1. these Standard Service Terms, and

  2. the terms of the Quote.

The Contract is the entire agreement between the Institution and SBRC and supersedes any terms or conditions appearing on any purchase order or other documentation provided by the Institution.

2.  Services  

SBRC agrees to perform the Services for the Institution with due care and skill.  If the Quote or any other document provided to the Institution in connection with the Services indicates a turnaround time for a Service, those turnaround times are on a ‘reasonable endeavours’ basis and not a binding commitment. SBRC is not obliged to accept an order for a service and reserves the right to refuse any requests for Service at its discretion. 

3.  Samples, Protocols and Consumables

  1. The Institution must supply within 30 days of signing of any contract or agreement, or provision of a purchase order requesting Services, the quantity and/or the quality of Sample required for the Services as per the Quote. If the Institution fails to supply the required Sample within 30 days any contract, agreement, or purchase order will be invalid. A new Quote will be required in order to proceed.

  2. The Institution must notify SBRC, before shipping, if any of the Samples require special handling or there are any known safety or health hazards applicable to the handling, storage, testing and transport of the Samples.

  3. The Institution acknowledges and agrees that SBRC is not responsible for the Data output from assays which deviate from recommended protocols if those deviations are requested by the Institution.

  4. The SBRC does not guarantee the performance of samples that do not pass SBRC quality or quantity specifications.

  5. The Institution acknowledges and agrees that SBRC may discard all Samples submitted by the Institution for analysis if the Institution does not retrieve them or arrange for delivery before the storage period notified to the Institution by SBRC expires. All other Samples and products generated from Samples will be stored by SBRC for 90 days after project completion and data delivery.

  6. Any consumables sold or provided by the SBRC to the Institution:

    1. must not be transferred to a third party without the prior written consent of the SBRC;

    2. may have hazardous properties and the Institution must use the consumables with appropriate caution and safeguards since not all of their characteristics are known; and

    3. are sold or provided at the Institution’s own risk. SBRC is not responsible for any loss, damage or expense (however caused) arising from the use, handling, storage or disposal of the consumables and/or Data, except to the extent caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the SBRC.

4. Intellectual Property 

  1. Nothing in this clause affects any pre-existing intellectual property rights of a party including any that may subsist in the Samples.

  2. SBRC will retain all intellectual property rights created or developed by SBRC in the course of performing the Services.

5. Confidentiality and Privacy

Each party (Recipient):

  1. must keep the other party’s (Discloser) Confidential Information confidential

  2. may only use the Discloser’s Confidential Information for the purposes related to the Services;

  3. must not disclose the Discloser’s Confidential Information to a third party without the prior consent of the disclosing party except:

    1. to its officers, employees and individual contractors on a strictly need to know basis; or

    2. if required to do so by law or the rules of any stock exchange.

6. Research Only Restriction 

The Institution represents and warrants that the Samples are submitted for the Services, and the use of the Data, is for research purposes only.  The Institution must not use Data as part of any clinical or diagnostic testing or other non-research related purpose. If the Institution intends to use the Data for clinical or diagnostic testing, the Institution must obtain the appropriate regulatory accreditation.

7. Other Undertakings 

The Institution represents and warrants:

  1. that it has all the necessary ethics and other approvals required to engage SBRC to undertake the Services using the Samples and to use the Data.

  2. the research project to which the Samples relate is being conducted in accordance with the generally accepted standards for the conduct of that research;

  3. the Samples are either de-identified and do not contain any personal information or, if they do, the Institution has obtained all the necessary privacy consents and approvals for the Samples to be provided to SBRC for the purposes of the Services;

  4. samples must not be derived from genetically modified organisms as defined by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR).

  5. that the Services are being provided for the benefit of the Institution and the Data will only be used the purposes of the Institution’s research project. Unless SBRC has provided its prior written consent, the Services must not be obtained by the Institution for the benefit of another person and the Data must not be sold or otherwise provide to a third party.

8. Data Retention 

The Institution will be responsible for archiving and safely storing its Data. SBRC will only store Data for three months after the handover of project Data to the Institution.

9. Fees and Other Expenses

  1. The Institution must pay SBRC, the fees and other expenses specified in the Quote. The Institution must pay those fees and expenses within 30 days of receiving a tax invoice from SBRC.

  2. Unless specified otherwise, all monetary amounts expressed in this agreement are exclusive of GST. Any amount of SBRC payable for a supply will be payable at the same time as the payment for the supply to which it relates.

  3. If the Institution fails to supply, within 30 days, the quantity and/or the quality of starting material required for the Services as per the Quote, the Institution must pay SBRC the costs of any consumables or other materials that have been ordered by SBRC on the Institution’s behalf in order to perform the Services.

  4. If the Institution fails to supply, within 30 days, the quantity and/or the quality of starting material required for the Services as per the quote, any contract, agreement purchase order or agreement will be invalid.

  5. SBRC reserves the right to charge additional fees to correct non-compliant submissions.

  6. SBRC reserves the right to review project costs if the sample number is reduced, increased or if the samples are provided in smaller batches than specified in the Quotation or Service Agreement.

  7. SBRC is not responsible for any sample shipping or Australian Customs importation fees.

  8. SBRC is not responsible for any overseas government taxes that may be incurred by the Institution.

10. Acknowledgement of SBRC  

Every Service performed at the SBRC is subsided by The Research Infrastructure Scheme funding. Continuation of this funding requires the SBRC to have a visible profile. On accepting our Standard Service Terms the Institution agrees to acknowledge the SBRC as the service provider in any publication or presentation which relates to the services provided. In publications we would appreciate if the “Salivary Bioscience Research Centre (UNSW Sydney, Australia)” was documented as the service provider in the materials and methods section of the publication.

11. Public Statements 

SBRC is part of UNSW Sydney. SBRC does not endorse any Samples that it tests.  The Institution must not use the name or logo of UNSW, SBRC or the specific laboratory or facility that provided the Services in any marketing, advertising or other promotional material.

12. Liability

  1. Nothing in this Agreement is to be read as excluding, restricting or modifying any liability SBRC may have under the application of any legislation where that liability cannot by law be excluded, restricted or modified.

  2. To the extent permitted by law, the liability of SBRC for any claim arising directly or indirectly from a breach of any non-excludable term or condition implied by statute is limited, at the option of SBRC, to one or more of the following: the supplying of the Services again; or the payment of the cost of having the Services supplied again.

  3. To the extent permitted by law, the Services are provided on an ‘as is’ basis and SBRC excludes all warranties, express or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement.

  4. SBRC:

    1. limits its liability to the Institution for loss or damage of any kind whether arising in tort (including negligence), contract, statute, law, equity or under an indemnity, to the fees paid by the Institution under this agreement; and

    2. excludes any liability for consequential or indirect loss or damage, loss of profits, loss of Data (except to the extent that SBRC is required and it is possible to repeat the conduct of an analysis if Data has been lost or damaged due to the negligence of SBRC) or loss of business opportunity arising in connection with this agreement and the Services.

13. Indemnity 

The Institution indemnifies SBRC and its personnel for any loss, damage, cost, claims or expense suffered or incurred and arising out of or in connection with:

  1. a breach of this agreement by the Institution;

  2. a negligent or unlawful act or omission of the Institution or its personnel; and

  3. the use, handling, storage or disposal of any consumables and/or Data by the Institution.

  4. loss of samples due to inappropriate shipping conditions, shipping method, Australian Customs delays, incorrect delivery address or delivery outside the specified hours or on a public or university holidays.

14. General

  1. The Institution acknowledges that SBRC may engage third parties to undertake parts of the Services including using the sequencing platforms owned by a third party and that SBRC may be transferring the Samples to those third parties in order to provide the Services.

  2. This Agreement may only be varied in writing and signed by both parties.

  3. This Agreement is governed by the laws of New South Wales (NSW) Australia.

  4. The Institution must not assign its rights under this Agreement to any person without SBRC’s prior written consent.

15. Information Collection & Use

  1. While using our service, we may ask the Client to provide SBRC with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify the Client. Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to, the Client’s email address.

  2. SBRC may use the Client’s personal information to contact the Client with newsletters, marketing or promotional material and other information that may be of interest to the Client. The Client may opt out of receiving any, or all, of these communications from the SBRC by following the unsubscribe link or instructions provided in an email that the SBRC sends.

  3. The Client’s email address will only be used for communications from the SBRC and will not be provided to any other parties